Corporate Rewards
When you stop at the gas station(it seems like I'm stopping more often lately) think about Lee Raymond, retiring head of Exxon Mobil. Mr. Raymond is credited with boosting this company to the largest profits ever "earned" by any company anywhere. So of course Exxon plans on treating Lee Raymond right. When he retires, he will receive a package worth 400 million dollars. His former salary wasn't bad either. Think of the several minutes it takes to pump those $3 gallons - Mr. Raymond will be making $6,000 per minute as you reach for the hose and clunk it into your tank and hold the trigger.
Checking my facts, I believe this 400 million dollar figure written of elsewhere may be wrong. According to the AFL-CIO's Executive Paywatch site, Raymond only gets 6.5 million dollars per year in retirement. Kind of like winning the Lottery every year for the rest of your life. He also has a deal where he can take a lump sum of 80 mill up front.
Still, think of Mr. Raymond as those minutes tick by - he doesn't count minutes at the pump like we do; he probably has his chauffeur do that sort of thing.