Friday, September 23, 2005

Trailer Parks to the Rescue

In a report from the La Times,we learn that the Federal government doesn't want to add to programs that are already in place to help hurricane victims: they want to promote one time deals. So they don't want to add all these victims to the Medicaid rolls, for instance. Also, instead of $10,000 vouchers for standard housing, they want to start trailer parks at $16,000 a pop. They did this last year in Florida, where now they want to take back or be paid for the trailers, even if the victims haven't yet found a job or a new place to live. Surprisingly, I agree with a quote from that nefarious Repug Newt Gingrich who says:

"The idea that — in a community where we could place people in the private housing market to reintegrate them into society — we would put them in [trailer] ghettos with no jobs, no community, no future, strikes me as extraordinarily bad public policy, and violates every conservative principle that I'm aware of," said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Republican.

"If they do it," Gingrich said of administration officials, "they will look back on it six months from now as the greatest disaster of this administration." This is from the LA Times.


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